Frequently Asked Questions

You have questions, we have answers.  If you don't find an answer to your question here, feel free to contact us.  

If you have questions regarding how to access courses or other technical issues, click [HERE] to go to the "Tech Support" section.  For all other questions (about course content, etc.) try our new [KNOWLEDGE BASE].

Table of Contents

General Questions

Technical Questions

General Questions

  • Is this program right for me?  Who are these programs meant for?
    • These programs are meant for brand new or existing insurance professionals who wish to upgrade their insurance license or earn CE credits.  If you want to learn the material and get licensed as quickly as possible with minimal hassle, our courses can help.
    • We take a plain-language "common sense" approach to teaching and helping students retain & understand the difficult concepts being tested on the exams.

  • What is a GLQP Approved Education Provider (Alberta only)?
    • New rules in Alberta starting Jan 1st, 2020 require students to take a course with a GLQP Approved Education provider (such as PNC Learning) and be certified (GLQP Certificate) by them before the student (GLQP Registrant) can register for the Alberta Insurance Council (AIC) General Insurance Level 1 exam.
    • You will receive instructions on how to do this upon completion of the course.

  • What's your guarantee?  How many students have you helped in the past?
    • As of the writing of this post, we have over 1500 enrollments and are being used at brokerages all over BC, Ontario, Alberta, Saskatchewan, etc.  Returning students looking to upgrade their license and referrals from friends/family are huge for us.
    • Our guarantee is that we will do whatever we can to make sure you pass.  If you put in the work required to be successful, so will we.
    • Pass Guarantee: if you fail, come back and take the course/program again - free of charge.

  • What are your pass rates? 
    • We've been lucky enough to have some great students.  Of the last batch of students who went through our immersion program, 80% of them passed on the first try and 100% of them passed eventually.  Very proud of all their hard work!  As of the writing of this, our pass rates in Alberta is ~11% higher than the average.
    • If you're interested in learning more about what our students have to say, check out our Reviews page.

  • Is PNC Learning an Accredited Course Provider? 
    • Yes, we are accredited to provide Continuing Education courses in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba & Ontario.  You can find us and our courses listed on the respective Insurance Council/RIBO websites.  We also provide pre-licensing courses to prepare you for your licensing exams.
    • We are also an accredited General Licensing Qualification Program (GLQP) Education Provider under the Alberta Insurance Council's (AIC) new GLQP Certification program.
      • You must be certified by a GLQP Education Provider - like PNC Learning - before you can take your Level 1 exam in Alberta.

  • What is the difference between PNC Learning's online course and some of the other one's available? 
    • I think there are 3 things that set up apart: teaching style, level of student support & course design.
      • Teaching Style: We like to keep things simple.  We help you by simplifying complex ideas and giving you the key concepts & defining key terms in plain English with ZERO jargon.  We also provide tons of questions for you to practice with.
      • Support: We have a course tutor on hand practically 12 hours a day, 7 days a week to answer any and all questions quickly.  I've personally taken student questions at 3am in the morning (on several occasions)!  When you call or message us, you are getting put through to a real person.  We are fanatical about student success and offer services to support that.
      • Course (Instructional) Design: We constantly track quiz results and student feedback to improve our courses.  For example, if we notice that students are routinely performing poorly on a particular chapter quiz or ask similar questions, we will go back and redesign that chapter to make things more clear.  We spend 90+% of our time tweaking courses and answering student questions.

  • What’s your scholarship program?
    • Every once in a while, we give away a free course (+ we'll pay the exam fees) to someone who gets in touch with us and has a great story about why they want to get into or move up in the insurance industry.  If you’d like to tell us your story, get in touch with us here
    • If you're undergoing Vocational Rehabilitation (ie. through WorkBC, WorkSafeBC or Alberta Spinal Cord Injury) and want to get into the insurance industry, ask your Coordinator about our programs.
    • We also offer course financing.  Just get in touch and we can work out a plan that fits your needs.

  • What is included when I buy a course? 
    • You generally get 4 main things when you sign up to our licensing courses: 
      • Study Notes: covering all the important concepts in simple and plain language
      • Online Lectures: provide additional explainations and examples to help you understand and apply to concepts
      • Practice Questions: to help you prepare for the exam and to assess weaknesses
      • Access to a Course Tutor: to answer any questions you have while studying so you're not studying alone.
    • You can read more on the respective course pages.  Just scroll down to the "How It Works" section.

  • How long does it take to get ready for the exam? 
    • Everyone is different but we typically recommend studying for 3-4 weeks per course before attempting the provincial exam.
    • But this is just the guideline.  We've had several students pass their exams after just 3 days of study time.

  • Will my employer pay for this program? 
    • Yes, many of our 1000+ students have their programs paid for by their employer (All West Insurance, The Co-operators, First West Credit Union, IN Insurance, Verge Insurance, etc.).  If your employer has any questions about us, I’d be happy to speak with them.
    • Depending on your situation, our programs also qualify for many job grants (ie. through WorkSafeBC, WorkBC, etc.), financing or other training incentives.  Get in touch if you're curious about whether any of these apply to you.

  • What type of job support do you provide? 
    • We have employment/corporate partners all over Canada that we refer graduates to.  Aside from that, we can also help with advice, etc. to make sure you start your new career off on the right foot.

  • Are your materials updated?  What happens if there is an update? 
    • Yes, we update our materials constantly, improving them based on student feedback and monitoring for any updates to the exams in each province we serve.
    • If it's been a while since you've printed out our notes, you should check for updates.
    • If there are any changes to the exam materials, all existing students will get upgraded to the latest version automatically - free of charge.

  • What is the difference between a Level 1 and a Level 2 or 3 license? 
    • For practitioners in a province with a graduated licensing scheme, a Level 1 license allows you to begin practicing insurance, however, there are certain restrictions on payment of commissions or location in which you’re able to practice.  In most provinces, Level 1 agents are only allowed to practice insurance inside the brokerage and under the supervision of a Level 2 or 3 agent.
    • As a Level 2 agent, you have more responsibilities and authority.  You are allowed to practice insurance outside and also work as a “producer” finding your own clients and earning a commission.  In Ontario, this class of license is called RIBO 2 (Unrestricted - Technical)
    • As a Level 3 agent, you are now able to manage or run your own brokerage as a “nominee” or "principal broker".  In Ontario, this license is referred to as RIBO 3 license or Unrestricted - Management
    • If you’re interested in the different jobs available in the insurance industry, take a look at an article I wrote here.

  • How long do I have access to my course for? 
    • For individual courses, you will have access for 8 months (244 days).  For bundles, it is typically 2 years (730 days).  You can refer to the specific course/bundle pages for more complete information.

  • Do you offer in-person or teach in a classroom setting?
    • Yes.  For students in the Lower Mainland we offer in-person instruction at our downtown Vancouver office & at other locations from time to time.
    • For students outside of BC, we offer Virtual Classroom training over Skype.  Contact us if you're interested in any of these programs.

  • I have a question about some of the course material or course concepts.  Can you help?
    • Yes absolutely.  Follow these steps carefully:
      • Step 1: If you download a PDF version of the notes, you can use CTRL + F (or the Mac equivalent) to search for keywords that match your query.  You can review that along with the corresponding lecture.  In most cases, you'll find your answer there.
      • Step 2: Check our [KNOWLEDGE BASE] for free explainers on different key topics (there is a search function on the side or very bottom of the page).
      • Step 3: Check our [EXAM INFORMATION] archive (there is a search function on the side or very bottom of the page).
      • Step 4: Check our [STUDY TIPS] archive (there is a search function on the side or very bottom of the page)
      • Step 5: If you haven't found your answer using the 4 steps above, contact us for help.  We're available almost 16 hours a day, 7 days a week to assist.

Technical Support Questions

  • It says my email or password is invalid!
    • No problem.  First, make sure you're clicking the "I am not a robot" reCAPTCHA when logging in.
    • If that doesn't work, instructions on how to reset your password can be found [HERE].
    • FYI - the password reset email will contain 2 links.  Make sure you click the "Change my password" link (aka. the first link highlighted here in RED.

  • I want to go to downloads, see the lectures, or do the questions.  How come I can't or they're greyed out?
    • This is because you need to complete some important prerequisites before moving forward. If you click on one of the greyed out items, it should show you a list of prerequisites on the right side that you need to complete before moving forward. Go back and finish those prerequisites and it will allow you to move forward.
    • These prerequisites exist because there is important information that you need to know before starting the course.
    • Watch the "How To Video" in the Introduction section of the course to learn more

  • I’m having trouble with audio/video on some of the lecture materials.  What do I do?
    • The first thing you’ll want to do is check if your audio or volume is muted or if you have speakers/headphones plugged in.
    • Next, check if your computer is outputting audio from other sources (ie. YouTube or music).
    • Next, check the browser you’re using.  We recommend using Google Chrome, Safari or Firefox.
    • Next, try clearing your browsing history (cache, cookies, etc.).  You can find info on how to do that here.
    • Next, if you’re at work, some IT departments block certain actions from being taken by your web browser/computer.  Try viewing the materials on your phone or home computer to see if there’s a difference.  If there is, speak with your IT department about how to resolve this.  We can work with them if necessary.

  • I made an account, now how do I access the course?
    • The first thing you’ll want to do is log in.  After that, on the top bar, you should see a button that says “Dashboard”.  Click on that and you’ll see a list of courses you’re enrolled for.  Just click the "Resume Course" button and start learning!
    • Watch the help video [HERE]

  • Where do I find the downloadable notes & content?
    • They are in the section called “Downloads”.  Navigate to it in the course player using the menu on the left.
    • There is also a "How To" video in the Introduction section of each course that should help.  Log in and start your course to view it.

  • I try to access my course and it keeps taking me back to the payment page even though I paid already!
    • Usually this is because you are not signed into the same account you used to enroll and make payment.  Check your email inboxes for the receipt you received when you made payment and see which email address that receipt was sent to.  Make sure you're logging in with that email address.
    • Also, make sure you're trying to access the same course you enrolled in.  Check your email inboxes for the receipt, see which course you enrolled in, and make sure you're trying to access the same one.

  • How do I use these courses?
    • Step 1: Check your course Introduction section for the mandatory "How To Video" (see question above for how to log in and access the course)
    • Step 2: Watch this instructional video [HERE].

  • How can I download the materials?  OR How can I print out the book and other materials?
    • Downloadable materials are in the section called “Downloads”.  Navigate to it in the course player using the menu on the left.
      • There is also a "How To" video in the Introduction section of each course that should help.  Log in and start your course to view it.
    • You can download those materials as PDF's and print them.  If you don't have a printer, email us your full mailing address and we can send you some hard copies for a small fee to cover the cost of print and postage (we offer this as a courtesy to students and do not charge for labour).

  • I logged in but I can't see any courses.  What's going on?
    • The first thing you want to do is to check which account you're signed in to.  Many students have 2 or more accounts on our website so make sure you're signed into the one you purchased under.  If you're not sure which is the correct account, check the email the receipt was sent to.
    • If you're signed into the correct account, check your date of enrollment.  If your course/bundle has expired, you may not see it in your dashboard.  If you'd like to continue studying, contact us to be reactivated.

  • I forgot my password.  How can I access my account?
    • Forgot your password?  No problem - click the Forgot Password button to reset it via email.
    • If you do not receive the email, please follow these steps:
      • Check to make sure your email inbox is working and not full.  If it is full, you will not be able to receive any new emails.
      • Make sure you are using the correct email address.  To do this, check your inbox to see who is the recipient of any email communications from us including: order confirmation, payment receipts, welcome emails, informational emails, etc.

  • I have some other issue!
    • Step 1: Usually, this can be fixed by clearing your history, cookies, cache, and other browsing data.  
    • Step 2: Restart your browser and computer and try again.  If that doesn't work, go to Step 3.
    • Step 3: Try some of the solutions found on the Student Issue Troubleshooting Page.
    • Step 4: Search our [KNOWLEDGE BASE] for help with your issue.
    • Step 5: Try it on another device or network (ie. try using your desktop on Ethernet, laptop on WiFi, phone on Data, etc.)
    • Step 6: If you've tried all of the above and have reviewed this FAQ page thoroughly and still cannot resolve the issue, contact usfor help.  When you contact us, be sure to include the following information to ensure your issue is resolved as quickly as possible:
      1. A full description of the issue (including a screenshot  of the WHOLE screen and a copy of the error message you're receiving - if possible, a video taken on your phone or via Loom is also helpful)
      2. Browser & operating system (OS) you're using when you experience the issue

Go to top/General Questions

I hope I was able to answer all of your questions.  Sign up for a Free Trial if you're ready to get started or want to learn more about our courses!